
Crystal- Goblin- LB- Ward 2- Plot 58

Open Whenever I choose.

ID: Bathhouse
pw: bathinghouse

ID: Housebath
pw: housebathing

  • [Generic Rules]

  • [???]

  • [18+ IC and OOC]

  • [Lalas stay SFW]

All rules apply under the Geneva convention, as this is a war, Bathhouse will not be held responsible for any fun and/or death that may occur within. Bathhouse is not liable for cleaning the baths, and the cleaning company only comes in Tuesdays that are raining with an eastern wind, any cleaning you would like to do in the baths is voluntary and come without pay. Bathhouse does not recommend drinking the bath water for health reasons, but it is tasty, go on, do it, you coward.